UnCanceled Christmas Gala Table Sponsorship

There are three levels of table sponsorship available for patriot businesses to support our Uncanceled Christmas Gala on December 11.

If interested in sponsoring a table at 6pm on Dec. 11th, 2021, Please email: business name, address, contact name, phone number, and pdf LOGO to northidahoff@protonmail.com ASAP


The $10,000 Gold level sponsorship entitles you to:

  • Dinner and two bottles of wine for your table of 8 at the event.
  • Priority table location.
  • Sunday luncheon for 8 with Christie Hutcherson & Colton Boyles.
  • A 5-minute presentation of your business at the Gala.
  • Your business printed in the Gala program.
  • Lifetime subscriptions in the business directories of the Patriotic Economic Network and the North Idaho Freedom Fighters.


The $5,000 Gold level sponsorship entitles you to:

  • Dinner and one bottle of wine for your table of 8 at the event.
  • Priority table location.
  • Announcement of your business at the Gala.
  • Your business printed in the Gala program.
  • A 2-year subscriptions in the business directories of the Patriotic Economic Network and the North Idaho Freedom Fighters.


The $1776 Silver level sponsorship entitles you to:

  • Dinner for your table of 8 at the event.
  • Priority table location.
  • Announcement of your business at the Gala.
  • Your business printed in the Gala program.
  • A 1-year subscriptions in the business directories of the Patriotic Economic Network and the North Idaho Freedom Fighters.

Constitution Solution

To assist members in our local communities as well as surrounding ones, in their fight to keep our American freedoms. We focus on such areas as having a voice in the media, providing alternatives within the medical fields, assisting in providing access to legal representation when needed, and more.